Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NBA to be out 2 more weeks.

I am enjoying this show, as two sides fight for how much more of your money they are going to pay each other, while you sit idly by shaking your heads as if none of this involved you, the sports fan. LOL!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Rep. Jesse Jackson wants the government to hire the unemployed to clean the streets

In the news today, it's Jesse Jackson the junior, wants to hire the unemployed for $850Bil and make them all do cleaning jobs.

First he says the Republican House's opposition to the Jobs Bill is akin to what happened in the Lincoln days and the civil war. I guess he wasn't there when the bill never made it to the house - it was killed in the Democrat-controlled senate. HELLO!?!?

Then he calls congress, of which he is a member, dysfunctional. It's dysfunctional because of bozos like this guy!

Who votes for these people? Do they actually have real voters or is it all a back room deal to get him elected? Are you Democrats really proud of your votes now?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

In the news: Cain faces criticism from black people

Yes, it is true, black people also complain about people of their own skin color. I know, it may come as a shock to us white people. We know it's OK for 'them' to complain about white people, but another black person??!!? The horror of it all!

Well duh people. Complaining and whining have no racial boundaries. What an epiphany. Black people will complain about Cain probably just as much as they complain about Obama. Except Cain will be labeled more of an "Uncle Tom" because he was so successful in the "white man's world" and he's a Republican. Not so many black people would vote for Cain as they did Obama simply because of the color of his skin, but I guarantee you that after the star gleam wore off of Obama and disillusion started to settle in...and the "Change" started to wear off and reality settled in that Obama was nothing more than a status quo politician who just happened to have a slightly brown heritage...maybe the ones who voted for him would learn something from their mistake. For example, you cannot vote for a person simply because you think he will do everything for you, and nothing for anyone else (black caucus).

Cain will be our next president the way things currently stand.

Soldier lack of discipline

Soldier discipline has deteriorated to the point where it risks becoming "cancerous," a senior Army general said Wednesday.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/10/06/army-general-discipline-problem-risks-becoming-cancerous/#ixzz1aY0hFZzi

Yep. And I'm sure having open-gay GI parties is going to make it better.

Christie endorses Romney

Bad move. For one thing, it tells me he has chosen the political course. Instead of choosing the candidate he likes best, he chooses the one he thinks has the best chance of winning. Now whether that be the morally correct choice or even the right choice for America seemed to be beside the point. He's playing it safe, trying not to be wrong, with no regard for the consequences. Already millions of Americans are opining their displeasure.

Comment: Why are there so many Peter Pan men?


So here we have, a WOMAN trying to tell MEN how to be MEN. Here's my comment: If I wanted a woman's opinion on how to be a man, I'd beat it out of her. Is that man enough for ya?

That's all tongue-in-cheek people, but it also really pounds the point home: There is nothing wrong with a kinder, gentler man. For a woman to suggest that's it's less manly to play video games...as opposed to what? Watching 5 hours of football? This is a preposterous article.